With These Tips – You Are Muscle Bound!

muscles bound

Ever wonder why your workout is not producing the kind of gain you want? By gain I mean muscle. Bad work-out ethic and a lack of a consistent diet might be your problem. Instead of gaining, you just might be waning. But there’s nothing to worry about, as everything that has a problem, also has a solution. In this case the ‘solution’ is quite simple. There’s no 1000 year heirloom mystery to getting a nice bod; it’s all about measure and patience.

More protein + burning fat (calories) + sleep = building of muscles.

Know what you’re eating. Avoid the things you shouldn’t be eating and just stick to your routine.

Warning: DO NOT expect results in days. This process takes months if not weeks before you can see a difference. The key here is to be patient and consistent.

Check these 3 SIMPLE tips on building muscle!

Eat Meat

A gram of protein per pound of body weight, is the estimated measure for every individual. Meaning if you’re 70 KGS or 140 pounds, your body will require that same amount of protein (140 pounds). Really and truly it’s kinda like eating your own body weight.

eat meat

The best source of protein – lean meats such as fish, chicken, beef. Once you get the right protein balance in the form of food or protein shakes you should then focus on the rest, like carbs and fats.

Eat More 

While protein pumps into the muscle to form new ones, it doesn’t necessarily give you the energy for the day. You need to calories to burn calories (irony), and depending on the type of calories will determine the quality of energy. It’s like normal fuel and hi-octane.

Eat complex carbs and avoid simple or processed sugars. A steady diet between fruits and vegetables will give you the necessary vitamins and carbohydrates needed to slowly burn through the day. You need this energy to get the gym – you need to burn all that energy AT the gym. This is where you’re burning the fat by burning the carbs. Bear in mind if you don’t burn the carbs (depending on the nature of the sugar) it will inadvertently just turn into fatty flab instead – and you don’t want that.


Start your sets by lifting heavy and reducing your weight while increasing your reps. Work out your main muscle groups such as the chest, back, legs and core.

muscle power

Remember that lifting heavy can be dangerous, but the more reps done with heavy weights pushes your muscles to the limit faster and more efficiently than you would with a lighter weights. As you start with heavy weights, you then reduce them with each set while increasing the reps after each set. This will help shape the muscle and push it beyond its threshold – to the point of not being able to lift.

Listen carefully: PUSH at that point. “THAT” is where the real muscle is being made, WHEN YOU’RE FAILING.

It’s common sense really – but sometimes common sense can be very uncommon. Sometimes all it takes is a reminder to stop over complicating things and just sticking to a simple routine.

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